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Scarlett Johansson is currently filming a new movie, Ghost in the Shell, and has gained a lot of attention for the fact that she is playing a Japanese character. 

But a new endorsement from a surprising source has quieted some of the controversy surrounding the star’s casting for the role. Ghost in the Shell is based on a Japanese manga series that was written and illustrated by..Donald Sutherland, Arnaud Desplechin, Vanessa Paradis among those to join president George Miller. The 69th Cannes Film Festival, presided over by Mad Max director George Miller, will comprise eight luminaries of world cinema, from Iran, Denmark, United States, Italy, France, Canada and Hungary. The jury, made up of four women and four men, comprises directors, actors and...Donald Sutherland, Arnaud Desplechin, Vanessa Paradis among those to join president George Miller. The 69th Cannes Film Festival jury, presided over by Mad Max director George Miller, will be made up of eight luminaries of world cinema, from Iran, Denmark, United States, Italy, France, Canada and Hungary. The jury, made up of four women and four men, comprises directors, actors

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