new nepali short movie ghas katn jada

Angdembe works with the youth of the Nepal, Bhutanese refugee camps and the youth of Darjeeling. In 2011, he was a facilitator at Theater, Journalism, Photography and Creative Writing training, by Youth Friendly Centre (YFC), Caritas Nepal. His surviving works, including some photographs, consist of about 25 plays, more than 300 ghazals, more than 300 rubaiyat and more than 50 poems. 
His dramas have been translated into Limbu and other indigenous languages. His collection of ruba’i titled Gas Chamber Ma Buddha is the first rubaiyat published in Nepal. He has also published Besyasanga Bitaeko ek Sajh, a collection of short stories; Shristhi Pralaya ko Sangharma, a play, Aaja Bholi, a collection of gajals and Angdembe Aawaaj video of solo recitation. His directed plays are Anyaya ko Antya, Aamako sapana, Garib ko Dasha, Jeet Vitra ko Haar, Bhikhari Laasharu, Cho:Lung, Shanti ko Khoji, Jeevan Jiuneharu, Rang ra Rangharu, Euta sapana ko khoji, Arko sapana ko khoji, Euta Prashna, Berang Rangharu etc. He directed about more than 24 documentaries as well as short movies. He has worked as a film director, actor, writer and register Line Cross Movies him self. He is also an accomplished photographer, having exhibited his photos in the Netherlands, Nepal and Bhutan. In 2011, his photos appeared at Creatief Warenhuis HOOP. Angdembe, who is also the film ’s producer, added that the film has been shot at the Beldangi Refugee Camp, as well as in Damak, Morang and at the Mechi bridge of Nepal, to give it as realistic a backdrop as possible. Other than his engagement in theatre and film, Angdembe is also a prolific playwright and poet; some of his famous works include Beshya Sanga Bitaeko Ek Saanjh, a collection of short stories, Shristhi Pralaya Ko Sangharma, a play and Aaja Bholi, a collection of ghazals. Desh Khojdai Jada marks the communion between two of Angdembe’s many passions. The director has been regularly working with the youth in Bhutaneses refugee camps and has witnessed a first-hand account of the story he attempts to share on the big screen.

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