A  japanese girl singing nepali song

The music of Japan includes a wide array of performers in distinct styles both traditional and modern. The word for music in Japanese is (ongaku), combining the kanji "on" (sound) with the kanji "gaku" (enjoy) Japan is the largest physical music market in the world,

 with US$2 billion in 2014 and the second largest overall music market, with a total retail value of 2.6 billion dollars in 2014– dominated by Japanese artists, with 37 of the top 50 best selling albums and 49 of the top 50 best selling singles in 2014.Local music often appears at karaoke venues, which is on lease from the record labels. Traditional Japanese music is quite different from Western music as it is often based on the intervals of human breathing rather than mathematical timing There are two forms of music recognized to be the oldest forms of traditional Japanese music. They are shōmyō or Buddhist chanting, and gagaku or orchestral court music, both of which date to the Nara and Heian periods. Gagaku is a type of classical music that has been performed at the Imperial court since the Heian period.Kagura-uta), Azuma-asob and Yamato-uta are indigenous repertories. Tōgaku and komagaku originated from the Chinese Tang dynasty via the Korean peninsula[citation needed]. In addition, gagaku is divided into kangen (instrumental music) and bugaku (dance accompanied by gagaku).

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