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A world record is usually the best global performance ever recorded and officially verified in a specific skill or sport.
The book Guinness World Records collates and publishes notable records of all types, from first and best to worst human achievements, to extremes in the natural world and beyond. The website RecordSetter has begun to take on the same territory, but with a more inclusive policy, as users submit videos of record attempts in order to try to receive a world record. 


The website is similar to RecordSetter, as the record attempts are judged by Guinness World Records adjudicators, but the records to attempt are provided beforehand.In the United States the form World's Record was formerly more common. The term World Best was also briefly in use.Personal psychologists have found that tests of cognitive ability are highly valid forpredicting success in training programmes as well as actual job performance (Guion& Gibson, 1988).

 Indeed such tests are the “most valid way known of identifyingthe employees or trainees who will be the most productive work This is a non-verbal intelligence test requiring interactive reasoning about abstractgeometric patterns. This was first published in 1938 and later revised several timesand is designed to cover a very wide range of mental ability and to be useable withubjects irr The latter term is still used in athletics events, including track and field and road running) to describe good and bad performances not recognized as an official world record: either because the event is a not an event where the IAAF tracks the record (e.g. the 150 m run or individual events in a decathlon), or because it does not fulfil other rigorous criteria of an otherwise qualifying event (e.g. the Great North Run half-marathon, which has an excessive downhill gradient). The term is also used in video game speedrunning when someone achieves the fastest possible time for the game and category.

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