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Overall, rates of uxoricide are much higher than rates of mariticide. Of the 2340 deaths at the hands of intimate partners in America in 2007, female victims made up 70%. In the region of South-East Asia, 55% of all murdered women died at the hands of their partner, followed by 40% in the African region and 38% in the Americas. Preliminary findings of an ongoing study estimate that globally, approximately 35% of murders of women are committed by intimate partners.Rates of uxoricide seem to fluctuate across western cultures, with approximately seven women being killed per month in England and Wales, approximately four women per month in Australia, and approximately 76 women per month in the United States.
One explanation for why some men choose to kill their female mate is the 'slip-up' theory Research has found that women with specific qualities such as high reproductive value may be at increased risk of uxoricide due to increased mate guarding and sxual jealousy from the male.The 'slip-up' theory suggests that uxoricide is the result of a 'slip' on the part of the male; the male is attempting to exert sexual control over the female and this results in accidental uxoricide through phsyical violence. Statistics state that rates of uxoricide are much higher for younger men [13] who may be more physically stronger than older males and are more likely to have a female intimate partner who is also young; high reproductive value in young females enhances their risk of intimate partner homicide.

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