Suicide by Nepali movie director

Within the United States, there are variances in gendered rates of suicide by ethnic group.According to the CDC, as of 2013 the suicide rates of Whites and American Indians are more than twice the rates of African Americans and Hispanics.

A 2008 study showed that the rate of self-reported attempted suicide is highest among American Indian and Alaskan Native males, and lowest among African American females Rates of self-reported attempted suicide are highest among American Indian and Alaskan Native females and lowest among African American and white males. This reflects the general trend expected by the gender paradox. Explanations for why rates of attempted and completed suicide vary by ethnicity are often based on cultural differences. Among African American suicides, it has been suggested that females usually have better access to communal and familial relations that may mitigate other risk factors for suicide. Among Hispanic populations, the same study showed that cultural values of marianismo, which emphasizes female docility and deference to males, may help explain the higher rate of suicide of Latinas relative to Latinos. The authors of this study did not extrapolate their conclusions on ethnicity to populations outside the United States.

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